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Seven Trees Community OEP

Amount $46,500
Grantee County of Santa Clara
Award Year 2022
Funding Source General Fund, Outdoor Equity Program
Project Type Program Operation
Project Status In Progress


Conduct the Seven Tree Community Outdoor Equity Program for residents at and near Seven Trees Community Center in San Jose, CA. This program will include 10 activity days in the community for approximately 510 participants and 11 trips to natural areas for approximately 480 participants during one year of programming.

Activities in the community will include Natural Resources Presentation and Bioblitz Preparations; Recreation Facilities Near You: Archery, Boating; Healthy Living Presentation; Trails Safety and Cycling Preparation; Camping demonstration and local parks presentation.

Trips to natural areas outside of the community will include Bioblitz at Hellyer County Park, Vasona Lake County Park, Coyote Creek Trail and Los Gatos Creek Trail; Cycling at Alviso County Park; Boating at Vasona Lake County Park; Archery at Santa Teresa County Park; and Education Excursions at Coyote Valley Harvey Bear Ranch County Park, Sanborn County Park, Penitencia Creek County Park, Happy Hollow Park and Zoo, and Coyote Creek Trail.

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Community Home Base Location
3590 Cas Drive, San Jose, CA 95111
County Santa Clara
Assembly District AD 25 Ash Kalra (D)
Senate District SD 17 John Laird (D)
Congressional District CD 16 Anna G. Eshoo (D)

Program Goals

Service Learning/Career Pathway/Leadership Opportunities

25 opportunities will be available including internships assisting with Activities in the Community at the Community Home Base and Nature Area Trips. 


Santa Clara County Office of Education – The County Office of Education is uniquely positioned to assist with reaching youth and families from local schools while forging partnerships with schools throughout the County. They can also partner with Social Services to provide direct information to low-income/free reduced lunch families. Furthermore, they are part of a statewide committee on youth mental health dedicated to implementing recommendations from the ‘Every Young Heart and Mind’ Mental Health Service Oversight & Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) report.

Santa Clara County Public Health Department – The County Public Health Department will assist with the latest information on local covid mitigation protocols and available resources. The Department partners with a multitude of community organizations and government agencies to provide direct information and services to families County-wide. This includes partnerships on mental health aimed at providing residents access to local parks with interpretative services. They also have information on the latest employment and volunteer opportunities available to residents throughout their network.

San Jose Community Center Network, San Jose Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services – The San Jose Community Center experienced staff provide specialized services serve a range of teens and work to understand their needs for tailored programming. The center partners with a multitude of community organizations and government agencies to help bolster their offering of services. The County Parks Department will work to provide new holistic County Park services for visiting youth led by the San Jose Community Center staff.

Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful - Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful is a known regional leader in multiple areas on youth outdoor access, environmental conservation, and the creation of job opportunities in the environmental sector. Their experienced staff serve a range of teens, college students, and environmental internship programs. These services have created several opportunities for new employment and partnerships with community organizations and government agencies.

Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority – Overseeing a vast number of regional open space preserves the expertise provided is essential for providing youth and families information on local preservation efforts for Coyote Valley and how these regional investments link with Santa Clara County Parks managed open spaces and wildlife corridors. These services have the potential to create several opportunities for youth and families regarding employment in open space jobs, as well as partnerships with community organizations and government agencies.


This was optional. Grantee elected not to proceed with this option. 

Annual Report Details

Programs may span from one year to multi-year, not to exceed four years. The specific length of the program is contained in the description above.

List of Educational Goals Achieved

Program still in the planning stages and updates will be submitted in 2024.

List of Formed Partnerships

Program still in the planning stages and updates will be submitted in 2024.


Program still in the planning stages and updates will be submitted in 2024.